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"We don't ask Preval to resign but are waiting to see what he is going to do. If he doesn't act there could be trouble in the future."
I've got my Black Power fist raised in the air right about now. For a country decimated by US imposed sanctions and CIA incited coupes, my people continue to upset the status quo with their forceful exhibitions of discontent and all I can say is more power to them. Haitians will burn a mother down if they aren't treated with common decency and this my dear reader is the reason why the Establishment continues to cause strife and despondency. They don't want you to see untame-able Black people prosper so they continue to create an atmosphere of discord and desperation every time a ray of hope shines on Haiti. While the Establishment presses forward in their efforts to cripple Haiti, while forwarding notes via CNN and the like of how Haiti "is the poorest country in the Americas," they fail to outline their role in all of this and reveal how this so-called corruption in Haiti is funded by our tax dollars.
Speaking of being fed misinformation, I would hope people would ask themselves why a people would riot over the scarcity of food when they supposedly have ample amounts of dirt to eat.