After Glenn Greenwald promised to release more Snowden documents and name names, recent developments caused him to hold off on the "at midnight," sensational and mind blowing dump due to recent claims made by the United States Government. As usual, much drama, little results.
Never fear. There is an organization that goes by the name of Cryptome that also promises to release these "war averting" documents as well. They have a list of documents already posted to their website. I have no idea if they are the promised documents. Not for nothing, I have no intention of clicking on nary one of these documents because truthfully, Hackers freak me out.
These tweets and the conversations they illicit are sexy and titillating, but this isn't a movie; real blood and treasure are at stake here. This business of whistleblowing and claiming victimhood to the mighty hand of the government without truly revealing anything that The People can use, are the stuff of new millennial pulp fiction but not real life. In real life certain characters are positioning the country for another war and y'all playing peekaboo.
Seems the Greenwald crew aren't much for what's real for real life because thus far, what they believe we all should heed just doesn't matter to most. It's not like we were not already aware that the Patriot Act gave the government a whole swath of powers the state should never have. We were already well aware that countries spied on one another, and more importantly, we were all well aware the government spied on us. When all is said and done, my personal objection to government overreach isn't the potential of being spied upon but that the government has the legal option to do so without public oversight. That's a real life issue. What difference does it make, to us, the programs the NSA uses to spy on US? We already know they've done it, will continue to do it, and we are still unable to stop them from doing so under the law. Ah, but none of this matters because the Snowden revelations were stellar, so shut up.
The Government says that what was revealed by the Snowden revelations meant more to "enemies of state" than to your average American. That's the claim, and Greenwald 's response to this claim--that the U.S. should reveal which "American lives" were harmed--is absurd. Glenn can talk as fast as he wants, and use as many buzzwords to spark his base all he wants, and can be mad at the sheeple masses who are too ignorant to understand the nuance of the Snowden revelations all he wants; I still don't see any of his sycophants making moves to do away with the causes of government overreach. To date, these so-called revelations have simply added to the noise, and the recent adjustments to NSA processes were mere bandaids. To me, since the Patriot Act still exists and isn't even a target of the worshipers of these revelations, says what? Says there still remains the potential for a nut to become King of all America and have autonomy over our lives. In the end, these revelations were great for accolades and exclusive interviews, but the wars are still being manufactured and we know little more than we did the day before we've ever heard of Greenwald and Snowden.
I support whistleblowing and revelations and have no qualms in supporting truth no matter the administration in power nor who decimates it. That said, I can only hope, that when these new revelations drop, we're all the better for it and that they are not simply an addendum to the deification of the likes Greenwald and Snowden.