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Long Tweet: Change and Hope

They say there hasn’t been any change during the first term of President Barack Obama, and I have to disagree...


Thursday, July 3, 2014

State of The Nation : That Missed Period

If Only Thomas Jefferson Could Settle the Issue

A Period Is Questioned in the Declaration of Independence

The period creates the impression that the list of self-evident truths ends with the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” she says. But as intended by Thomas Jefferson, she argues, what comes next is just as important: the essential role of governments — “instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” — in securing those rights.  Full Story
To have a bit of fun with this, I searched "period in the Constitution" knowing full well this story is about the Declaration of Independence but this guy didn't know that and was completely outraged anyway:

Damned Libruls!  lolz!