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Long Tweet: Change and Hope

They say there hasn’t been any change during the first term of President Barack Obama, and I have to disagree...


Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Alright. I'll admit it, all this crap is over my head. I won't say that I don't understand what all is going on. I'm just saying that from what I understand, all this shit is so stupid, I can't possibly be getting it right. The market, the bailouts, the Limbaughs, the conspiracies all of it is beyond ridiculous yet serious as a friggin' heart attack. It's like having a seizure on a friggin' crowded dance floor. It will take a while before all the drunks in the joint figure out that you're swallowing your tongue and not bustin' a new version of the stanky leg or some shit. It's insane. It's macabre. Like, watching the President chastise one of the big three and give him "notice" is ill as shit! It's like, "wow, dude, why you?" Truthfully. Of all the people that should have lost their jobs since Bush has been in office, it's this guy? Wow. I wonder if this will be the beginning of the head rolling. I'm just saying. One rich white man is not going to cut it for the millions of unemployed since like, January. Obama's got to hatchet his way through a whole lotta rich people-users before we can feel the least bit appeased. People who aren't dumb-asses want to see the rich suck fumes and die right about now. No one is gonna be happy with just one little exec losing his job on a possible. I'm sure he's down-right embarrassed right about now, and I'm sure his friends are distancing themselves ever so slowly and probably the head of his favorite country club has his membership card poised over the flames of one of those huge-assed fireplaces you always see in those old money joints, but who cares. Dude deserves to be buried without the option of digging himself out of his hole. Dammit, right off the top, I could think of at least 50 joes out there that need to be put to rest, starting with most of the people my illustrious President has decided to appoint to his cabinet. Now, whether or not Pres Obama had a choice is still up in the air. Hey, it's only been a 70+ days into the Pres' four year term, so who knows what kind of Angel or Demon he's about to become.