All righty then. The warm fuzzies are over. I'm high offa Cafe Bustello right about now so this may get a bit ooogly so allow me to apologize in advance, but Jackie Mason has officially set me off!
During a performance at Feinstein's at Loews Regency in NYC, Mason referred to Obama as a "schwartza" -- some say it's equivalent to the "N" word -- others say it's just part of the Yiddish culture and a literal translation of the word "Black."
Or really? Well Kike Jew Bastid is part of American culture, and the literal translation of "cheap money-grubbing white men who killed Jesus," does that make it o.k. for me to use the phrase? I'd think not. But when Mason says things like:
"I'm not going to defend myself. Chris Rock has told a lot more jokes about whites than I have against Blacks. What about the demeaning words Blacks say about Jews?"
I'm apt to believe that Chris Rock used and, unbelievably, never received any flack for using derogatory terms for Jews, so it's o.k. to use KIKE at will. Shenanigans! We all know if a Black person ever used a derogatory term for a "Jew," it would be a done deal!
I remember when Michael Jackson was taken to task for uttering the word "Kike."
We were outraged to see Michael Jackson perform the song with the anti-Semitic lyrics on a nationally syndicated television show," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "We had taken Mr. Jackson at his word that the anti-Semitic lyrics were deleted from the song."
This from the ADL. Michael had to recall his albums and re-release the songs with revised lyrics AND NEVER SING THE ORIGINAL VERSION AGAIN!
Bitch much?
Listen, I could generally give a rat's ass as to how people decide to refer to Black people these days, 'cause frankly, we've got a Black President. It's so ON! right about now. LOL! I am personally above the Hate. Hate all you want Mr. Mason:
"I'm more talented than Oprah Winfrey and look at how much she makes. I can't even make a living."
LOL! Isn't this the crux of white privilege? Isn't this how the Establishment established racism in the first place? "Look at the nigger taking your jobs? Don't you hate the nigger?" Mason's telling on himself and doesn't even know it. The pathology of racism runs deep; it's subconscious!
I'm glad I can laugh at racism now-a-days. Not because it doesn't exist. We all know that as long as there is an unemployed, underachieving, bitter white man running around, there will always be racism, so no, I'm in no way saying racism doesn't exist. I'm especially not saying that racism doesn't play a part in making Black life a struggle . Brothers and sisters suffer racist acts that cost them their lives, livelihood and freedom---got a loan the other day and I know that I am paying more in interest than a comparable white applicant. Water off'n my back. I'm still here. I still hope. I still maintain my strength and power. Besides, I can't wait for our President to finish up with his top 10 to do list, 'cause we're coming for your racist asses next!
So, what am I saying?
I'm saying that I'm just not taking that crap personally. I'm not becoming emotional about it anymore. I will no longer allow the toxicity of racism to affect me. I will take action, of course. I'm just not moved to marching on account of some media whore's loose lips. I don't want no apology, no firings, no nothing. I am a proud passive aggressive! In these instances, my revenge is strictly relegated to hurting racist pockets. For instance, I will never purchase nor surf The Post. No discussion necessary, no march, no press conference needed. All Sharpton needs to do is holla at me with the misdeed. Let me know who is on "The List" so I can red check them and spread the word. Apologies and explanations are no longer necessary in this day and age. It's all about. "Good Day Sir! You are on The List. No...I said Good Day!" Simple. Black people can no longer allow ourselves to being controlled in this manner. It's a game now. You want attention, attack the Blacks. No more. The offenders never receive a satisfactory and lasting reprimand. In the end, we've accomplished nothing but the bolstering of a grossly offensive ideology.
Listen. Mason is no Limbaugh. Mason perpetuates an idea, Limbaugh creates ideas. Look at the comment Mason made about Oprah. It's obvious he's a victim of the Establishment. Limbaugh, on the other hand, is a spokesperson of the Establishment and that makes him dangerous. If there is anyone that should be strung up and "slaughtered" like the crack-head pig that he is, it is Limbaugh. If there is any energy to be expended upon a spokesperson for racism, it's him. Limbaugh's danger is tangible. His rhetoric justifies offenses like police brutality and hangings and assassinations. Limbaugh's rhetoric creates anger in little white men who are ignorant enough to act upon that anger. Even though The Post cartoon contained subliminal messages, Limbaugh's words overtly calls for a undeniably condoned retaliation. Limbaugh could make me hurt somebody extensively because I would have to defend myself from someone he ignites. Besides that, Limbaugh isn't even good for his own audience. The poor whites listening to Limbaugh are suffering just like everybody else. They should boycott him! He's a rich man railing against being taxed and hiding behind "Americanism" as an excuse for his indignation. Poor whites, on the other hand, are unemployed, uncovered, and uneducated and blaming Blacks for their woes and over abundance of taxation without representation.
Limbaugh continues to mind-jack all sense of reality. He deftly skewers the truth and keeps poor/working class whites unable to recognize what their best interests actually are. Case in point; while he railed against Bin Laden, the fictional boogie man of the Establishment, the Establishment was raping America's coffers to the tune of TRILLIONS of tax dollars. Their children are now dying and being maimed. Limbaugh poses as one who is now "paying attention" to what's going on, and incredibly finds our 50-day Black president to blame for over 30 years of theft and misrepresentation, and these stupid crackers believe him! Have you ever??? Yeah sucker. Fight for slavery and wonder why you're living under worse conditions than the field nigga. This crap is historical and whites fall for it every single time. Only difference is that Black people are now free and the ignorance of the racist is like sludge to the progress of a nation. Stop holding me back redneck!
If they could only face the fact that the only way to build a strong republic is if all its citizens band together against the Establishment, we'd be in a better place. Black people have been calling out the Establishment for ages. Look, MLK called out the Establishment and died for it.
And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last! - MLK "I have a Dream" speech
So, yeah, Black people are free. It's the racist that is still tethered to the slave mentality. They've got to stop being tools of the Establishment. Again, by targeting and subjugating people of other races, they hold back a nation! In the last eight years alone, they've allowed a homeland attack, two wars, countless affronts to the U.S. Constitution and bankruptcy; all perpetuated under the cloak of racism. They thought they were holding the brown and Black man down, and instead they held back the entire nation. I mean, what do they have us on? Rap music? Low slung jeans? What matters most to the state of this union? U.S. support for Israel, or 50 cent? Well, you know what? The house is on fire and Black people will be outside watching racist whites try to put out a fire with gasoline--low riding jeans and all.
That said, Mason's got about a minute and a half left on this Earth, and if he chooses to spend his last days hating the existence of Black people let him. The hell he's creating for himself with his hate is worse than anything marching and calling for an apology would do to him. Besides, I wouldn't be phased by an apologized; I'd rather wait for his obit to confirm exactly how dead he is to me.