This whole thing is just silly to me, everyday this election gives birth to a new wave of silliness and it only confirms my disbelief in politics.
I just don't get people who support Billary unless they are White, Latino or Republican. I don't get the big "experience" mantra, when no one is experienced to be president unless they've already served a four year term. I don't get how Billary can cite being the First Lady as experience--that's like letting your surgeon's wife operate on you. I don't get how Billary's current inexperience and faulty judgement is not a deciding factor. I don't get how Billary's health-care reform can be lauded, when we still have a health-care crisis on our hands. I don't get how people can't see she's systematically ruining the Democratic party with her manipulative and divisive style of politicking. I don't get how people aren't worried about her bi-polar actions, jeers and tears, and in turn, cannot come to the conclusion that she will be detrimental to our well-being if ever she were in office. I don't get how people are can dismiss the reality that Republicans would be jubilant at a Billary nomination. They've been demonizing the Clintons since 1992--they've got dirt so old, it's dust. They know she's easy to beat.
What I do get is how SNL, right-wing radio, and prejudice gave Billary her wins the other night. God I wish the writers' strike would have prevailed. White people are sooo gullible.
I also get Billary staying in the race when the math doesn't add up, it's because she knows the nomination is already in the bag for her. They're just gonna stress us until the re-primaries of Michigan and Florida in June.
You known, I don't get that silly shit either. They were warned not to caucus early and they did it anyway. So they were punished. What did I miss?
You known, I don't get that silly shit either. They were warned not to caucus early and they did it anyway. So they were punished. What did I miss?
WTF are we allowing here? All of Billary's petty and silly claims about Obama have been debunked, yet people still vote for this liar. Funny thing is, most of what she's claimed, she's guilty of ten-fold. I don't get it. She's obviously manipulating people, yet there are people out there that just don't seem to mind being manipulated. This bitch doesn't have the numbers to win this race, but has the nerve to say that she's open to Obama being his running mate? Fuk ha! Is she crazy? Are people crazy for entertaining her? The democrats ain't ever been about shit anyway, especially in the last eight years. And speaking of the last eight years, that dumbass punk bitch in the white house was the republican's wet dream until he tried to give his cleaning lady a federal position and give border patrol to the Arabs. So now they want to elect some dude they never liked from the jump. Some crazy old mufucka who admits "he doesn't know economics, he knows war" and plans on being at war for the next 100 years and to continue Bush's economic plan like either one of those brainstorms are working but yet you have people considering that mufuka for the job as well!
This entire process is stupid!
I can give McCain this much, at least he's honest. Does he really have to know economics to be President? No, he doesn't. If you think that our Presidents pour through mountains of paper reading and revising, adding and subtract, brainstorming and bustin' out eureka moments, you're crazy. They have people for that. Presidents are into the meet and greet, the pen stroke and making the final call. The latter, they need judgement for that. Does Billary even strike you as sane?
Bottom line is, if any one of these people are President, we should be more concerned with who they appoint to their administration than how long they've been smoozing it up on Washington. We need to ask ourselves; are they going to recycle the same bullshit or pick fresh minds intent on change and progress? If their campaigns were a litmus test, I can't see anyone not voting for the guy who made it rain without being bought (i.e., used public funds wisely) and has managed to enlist a bunch of smart people to run his campaign better than all the other so-called experienced people he's up against.
In my opinion, we are still voting for the lesser evil. How surprised would you be if McCain or Billary dug this country into a deeper hole?