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Long Tweet: Change and Hope

They say there hasn’t been any change during the first term of President Barack Obama, and I have to disagree...


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Scrub A'Dub Dub

Why has Google cast me into oblivion? 

This morning the BBC received the following notification from Google:
Notice of removal from Google Search: we regret to inform you that we are no longer able to show the following pages from your website in response to certain searches on European versions of Google: Full Story
Thing is, I tried googling this story and came up with nothing but stories about how google scrubbed Preston's story.  Further, no one links to his blog post.  It's one thing when Europe will allow for the censorship of their journalists, it's quite another thing if I'm in the U.S. and still can't find a story without knowing the name of the article.  It's like WTF?  Despite all of our bitching about freedoms and privacy, at least we can still google-stalk damned near anyone we want.  U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!